Vegan Meringue Cookies

 Vegan Meringue Kisses (Cookies)

What you'll need:

- 846, 869, or any large star tip.

- Piping bag or Plastic/ Ziplock-esque bag

- Baking Sheets

- Large Bowls

- Parchment Paper 

- Electric Hand Mixer


- 1 can of Chickpeas 

- 1 cup of Powdered Sugar

- 1 pinch of Salt

- 1 tsp Vanilla Bean Paste or Extract 

- 1/4 tsp Cream of Tartar or Lemon Juice

- Any edible flavor essence of your choice (Orange, Lime, etc.) - OPTIONAL

- Food Colouring Gel (Optional)


1. Preheat oven to 200F. 

2. Strain the Chickpeas from the Aquafaba water into a large. Don't throw away the Chickpeas! You can make a delicious salad or hummus πŸ˜‹ 

2. Take your large bowl and add the cream or tartar and salt to the mixing bowl then begin mixing on low and gradually increase the speed to high.

3. Once mix begins to froth, SLOWLY add 1 teaspoon of powdered Sugar by sprinkling it in and continue mixing. Repeat this process until you have added all of your sugar. Gradually adding the sugar ensures that your meringue cookies will be stiff and maintain their shape once you finish mixing. 

4. After the sugar has been added it’s time to beat in some vanilla (and or flavor essence). 

5. Your meringue  mix is ready to pipe when you can flip the mix over your head and it doesn't move (don't do this πŸ˜†). The point is, you want your mix to be stiff and stiff peaks are a good thing! Please note that it won't stay stiff forever, so you have to start piping in a timely manner. 

6. If you are using food coloring gel, this is the perfect stage to mix it in via toothpick a little bit at a time to ensure the colour is just right.

7. Pro-tip, add a small dollop of Meringue batter to the four corners of your baking trays and then top with parchment paper to ensure that stays in place.

8. Pour your meringue into your piping bag  and press the air out of the bags and begin piping. Pipe the meringue about 2-3 cm from one another to ensure they don't stick as they bake. Fill trays accordingly 😌 

9. Bake at 200F on the center rack for about an hour then turn the oven off and keep the door closed for an additional 1-2 hours or overnightif possible. We want these to dry out as much as possible.

 10. The finished result should CRONCHY!



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